Химическое покрытие никель/палладий/золото для сверхтонкой металлизации золотом проводных соединений

Компания AMI Doduco предлагает новый процесс Dodubond® нанесения покрытия на золотые и алюминиевых проводники на печатных платах. Процесс позволяет уменьшить толщину золотой металлизации до 0.1 мкм и менее. В некоторых приложениях достаточно золотого слоя толщиной 50 нм, чтобы получить прочные термокомпрессионные соединения (в лабораторных условиях).

AMI DODUCO, a Technitrol company, announced the introduction of DODUBOND® , its new surface finishing process for bonding gold and aluminum wire to printed circuit boards (PCBs). The process has successfully reduced the thickness of the gold plating to less than 0.1 micrometer. In some applications, a gold layer as thin as 50 nanometers was enough to obtain a firm bond under laboratory conditions.

Based on proven DODUCHEM® chemical nickel/gold surface finishing, the DODUBOND process inserts a very thin palladium diffusion barrier between the nickel and the gold to effectively prevent the nickel from diffusing onto the gold surface.

The key to achieving process reliability is the stability of the palladium bath. For this, AMI DODUCO has been able to rely on its proven DODUPAL® palladium process. Aging tests in the company’s own laboratory have demonstrated the efficiency of the new tri-metal process. All process components have been tested for compatibility with the solder resist. The process is available with a leaded and an unleaded nickel bath.

«The thinness of the gold plating minimizes the cost factor of the precious metal,» explained Christian J. Hagedorn, Vice President of Marketing & Sales. «In cooperation with interested customers, the use of the combined process is now being verified under production-related conditions.»

AMI DODUCO is a global leader in electrical contact technology and fabrication. The company supplies contacts and assemblies, contact materials, electroplating and surface treatment services, and precious metal refining and recycling to more than 3,000 customers. AMI DODUCO operates from locations in North America, Europe and Asia. The company’s website is http://www.amidoduco.com

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